Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

King of Pentacles ~ Taking Care of Business!

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is The King of Pentacles (Coins), representing: Abundance, Wisdom, Financial Success and Accomplishment!

The King of Pentacles has mastered the realm of material abundance. He is a leader and expert in business and finance, someone that has exceled in his field. As a result, others often seek out his wisdom and council. When this card appears, it often indicates a need, a desire to gain a stronger foothold in the world of financial success.

This is a time to get on top of your finances. To take care of any outstanding business, to get your “ducks in a row” money-wise. Don’t hesitate to seek out council when needed, to help you to master your financial picture. This also applies to new projects and business endeavors, where mentorship may prove valuable. This card is also a good omen for anyone seeking promotion or recognition of their gifts in the workplace!

The King of Pentacles is not an overnight success. He has worked hard for his position of authority and abundance. Just a reminder that success often comes through hard work, toil, daily diligence and keeping bigger goals in mind. And knowing that much wisdom comes in the process.

In the best sense, The King of Pentacles represents a time of Harvest, a time to celebrate all your hard work--the fruits of your labor!

Wishing you an Abundant week!