Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

Happy Birthday Virgo!


Dear sweet Virgo, 

You, my friend, often get a bad rap in the astrology world, portrayed as persnickety, controlling, and well, a bit uptight! Okay, yes, you do like to dot every “i” and cross all your “t”s, but your exacting nature—both a blessing and a curse—is just a part of the picture. What some don’t know is that you, Earth Goddess, are one of the most sensual signs of the zodiac!

In fact, some of your sign mates are on the world’s “Most Sexy” list--Film Goddess Sophia Loren; Cameron Diaz; James Bond’s Sean Connery—hello! Mrs. Carter herself, Beyonce, and then, of course there’s always the (weirdly) sexy Bill Murray.

Your ruling planet is Mercury—the “I think therefore I am” planet. You’re highly intellectual and love to learn; the facts are important to you. Yet, your earthy side is always present, and you’re often happiest in nature, the flora and fauna, especially plant life. (Perhaps you’ve been a Druid in a past life—the original Goddess based earth-based healers and magicians?).

In addition to your connection to earthly pleasures, you’re also a great helpmate. You’re first on the list that people call for council or help. You’re prepared for any emergency, and always available to apply a bandage, kiss a wound, or offer TLC. At the same time, you have to be careful about offering too much! This is true in relationship as well: You are loyal, and down for the longhaul, after the honeymoon etc, but tend to give more than you receive. Although Mother Theresa was a Virgo—God Bless—this is not your lifetime to make sacrifices!

And here’s the Super Good News Virgo—with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunity and good fortune in Your Sign for basically the next year….this is your time to make it happen! Truly a Happy Birthday to you!

Your Sunny Side: Loyal, Helpful, Bright, Practical, Sensual

Your Shadow Side: Over-worrying, Critical, Perfectionist, Security-Orientated, Fear-Based Love