Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

The Fool ~ I Am Possibility!

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is The Fool, representing: Openness, trust, freedom and unlimited possibilities. In the two years that I’ve been doing Tarot Tuesday, The Fool has only showed up once, so his appearance this week feels especially auspicious!

What better card for the coming New Year, a time where we’re shifting into new energies, life numbers and intentions, than the wily, freedom loving, anything-can-happen, wild card of the deck. The Fool’s number is zero—the cosmic egg of unlimited potentials. He encourages…no better yet…dares us to release the past and open ourselves to new possibilities!

Inspiration is The Fool’s calling card. He represents the part of ourselves that is brave enough to explore the unknown, take risks, and follow our dreams. No matter the consequences. There’s no guarantee of outcomes with The Fool, but ultimately, it doesn’t matter! By just being willing to go for it, to jump off the cliff and trust that your angels, the universe, will catch you is worth the price of admission. All else is gravy.

 Be aware, The Fool is a trickster, the harbinger of surprises! He never takes the illusion of life too seriously. He is your invisible friend, the voice in your head saying: “Life’s a mystery, don’t take it too seriously!”  

So this holiday season be a Fool, be open to each and every moment and the possibilities they bring. Some lovely surprises await you!

The Fool's mantra: I AM Possibility!