Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

October Astro Babble ~ Your Personal Horoscope Included

“The yellow, rose and green of an October hillside, combined with the brilliant blue of the sky and softened by the inevitable autumn haze are reflected in October’s birthstone—the Opal. The Opal is a symbol of hope, and highly prized by the ancients for its uncanny ability to change colors.” The Romance of Your Birthstone, Hope Swengel

We’re all changing colors right now, with the brilliant new fall season, and the dramatic changes occurring in our worlds, big and small. In the best sense, we’re becoming spiritual chameleons, learning to shift our energies, day by day, with the cosmic tides.

What I have found to be most helpful, is to stay present to each moment, remembering that today is today; yesterday was yesterday; and tomorrow is…well, tomorrow. The most powerful change happens in the present moment. No more future-izing, my friends!

October’s big Astro News, is Jupiter’s shift into Scorpio. Jupiter—the planet of expansion, opportunity and good fortune—begins its Scorpio orbit on October 10th and resides there for the next year. Universally, Jupiter in Scorpio provides great momentum for inner emotional and spiritual expansion. To find out how you will experience this Jupiter transit, look at your astrology chart and see what house is ruled by Scorpio. (If you would like to find out more, and feels right, contact me and we can explore in one of my different session options.)


Your October Horoscope:

Aries: It’s all about balance, this Month Aries. Namely, how can you balance your needs, with the needs of others. Tricky business. I have two words for you: Negotiation and Compromise. No, they aren’t the devil’s tools, they are ways for you to actually get what you want. The more you are willing to actively work with others, the more success will come. Plus, dare I say—it could be easier? #HarmonyIsMyMiddleName 

Taurus: What? Who me? Psychic? Yup! This month’s Harvest New Moon illuminates your house of the unconscious and subconscious, dreams, and…the psychic realm. As a result, you may experience deep insights about yourself and others. Some old faces could re-emerge, as a way of resolving unfinished business; whether from this lifetime or, others. Consider it a karmic cleanse. #BlastFromThePast

Gemini: Two themes this month, Gemini: Romance and Creativity. Romance: Don’t hesitate to flirt. Someone is on your radar; make your presence known. This is not a time to get serious, however, instead play the mystery card. Creativity: You’re receiving powerful planetary inspiration. You don’t need to commit, just throw the spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks. #Play

Cancer: Your September stars encouraged you to go outside your comfort zones. A stretch that has made you stronger. Sweet news--all roads lead home this month! October is a time to invest in your home front, your personal sanctuary, your sacred space. And yes, if other’s live there (this includes cats and dogs), so be it. But regardless, it’s your space. Time to feather your nest, and take ownership. #HomeShoppingNetwork

Leo: Your word for the month is: Inquisitive. Here’s a definition: Given to examination or inquiry; a quest for discovery; interest in learning; a questioning mind. Time to embrace your more curious nature, Leo! Go on some adventures, checkout new people and environments--because inquiring minds (you!) want to know. You’ve outgrown your old tight, shoes and need a fabulous new pair. #TooCoolForSchool  

Virgo: To use a sports metaphor…. it’s the last minutes of the 4th quarter. To up the ante, let’s say it’s the Super Bowl, i.e. a really big game with lots depending on outcomes. You are 3 points behind, and within field goal range. You can punt and tie the game, or you can take a risk and go for the touchdown. Whatever your decision, your stars encourage you to be decisive. Trust your instincts. #MammaGoneBeastMode   

Libra: The stars are in your favor, especially with the New Moon in your sign on the 19th. New moons = new beginnings, and this could prove true around your finances. October is an excellent time to wrap your head around your monies, with an eye to the future. Venus also moves into your sign, which could have you spend mode. Think carefully about what’s important and of value to you. Because….#MoneyMakesTheWorldGoRound

Scorpio: Jupiter—the planet of good fortune—begins its orbit in your sign for the next year, bringing expansion and opening doors. A Jupiter transit only occurs for each sign every twelve years, so take advantage and hunker-in for success. The best way to play the game is to not give up all your cards immediately, you want to keep the big picture in mind and pace yourself. You have the advantage. #PokerFace

Sagittarius: This month, the moon is your greatest ally. Both the Full Moon (in Aries) and the New Moon (in Libra) form a harmonious alignment, inspiring you on many different levels. So, take time to commune with the moon! Use the heightened lunar energy to your advantage, by digging in deep for meditation and ritual on each event. You may be surprised at the gifts La Luna has in store! #LunarAbundance

Capricorn: Your October stars prove to be a bit of a tight fit. (Much like when you have to dress-up for a formal occasion and your shoes or tie are too tight.) Don’t worry. It will pass. In the meantime, channel any frustrations into wrapping up old business and settling past accounts. This sets the stage for January, when your stars re-align for some powerful new moves. For now, it’s all about #PeaceOfMind

Aquarius: Do you believe in Magic? A complicated question, with many different facets. Not to get too esoteric, or woo-woo, but this month, your stars are encouraging you to suspend old belief systems, and give into something bigger, something more fantastical, something magical! Give your imagination free reign to explore. Is it real? Who cares. What’s important is that it works for you! #MagicalBeastsAndWhereToFindThem

Pisces: Security on your mind? It makes sense, as the lunar energy this month illuminates your spheres of money, long-term security and abundance. What’s important now is to make sure that your bigger picture aligns with your personal integrity. You may find yourself at a crossroads, where you have to make choices in regards to who you align with. There’s no right answer. Trust yourself. #TakingTheHighRoad