Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

Filtering by Category: Couture Tarot

Working with the Tarot -- Readings and Card Spreads

There are different ways to connect with the Tarot: You can choose one card--the card you wish to explore, or let the deck decide for you by picking a card at “random”. I use the term random loosely, because ultimately, working with the Tarot is a synchronistic process, and the card archetype meant to be discovered may be revealed to you in this way.

 Another way to connect with the Tarot is by doing a reading using a card spread. A card spread or layout is much like a story unfolding. You will see relationships between the cards and get insight by their placement in the layout. And because there are more cards involved, a spread can bring greater nuance and details to your exploration. Plus, it’s a really fun way to learn about the Tarot! 

 Doing Readings

 *Before a reading it’s important to center and ground. The reading will reflect your energies and state of mind/being. If you’re feeling out of balance, this may negatively affect the reading. If so, take a step back and wait until you’re feeling more centered.

I like to say a brief prayer, connecting to my higher self and divine source to guide the reading. You can also set an intention or ask a specific question. This can add clarity to your reading. 

 *Trust your intuition. Before looking up a card’s meaning in a book or guidebook, take a moment and let the cards reveal themselves to you through your intuition. Because the Tarot is based in imagery, symbols and archetypes, its wisdom surpasses the limitation of works and forms a direct connection with your deeper mind and psyche. Give your imagination free reign to explore—that’s where the cards really come alive! Don’t overthink it. Your first impression is often the most true.

 *Right side up, vs. reversed cards. I don’t put much measure into the idea that right side up cards are positive, and reversed cards are negative. This feels very old school, and fortune-teller-y to me. Instead, I suggest a more wholistic approach—that each card carries all energies, both the “negative” or shadow, and also the more “positive” and uplifting elements. It’s up to you to discern and intuit what it means for you in the moment.

*Finally, consider your Tarot reading as a sacred journey. In the highest sense, the Tarot’s archetypes will connect you with timeless wisdom, becoming portals to greater illumination and understanding. Make each experience a ritual, creating fertile ground for deeper revelations.   

 Included here is a pdf download with some card layouts that I have created: the Destiny Spread, the Lovers Spread, the Moon Spread, and also the traditional Celtic Cross spread. You can use it with the Couture Tarot or any deck of your choosing. 

To download, just click on the image.

Enjoy! xo Megan



The Tower Card: A Powerful Archetype for What’s Happening in the World Today

“The elders have sent me here to tell you that now is like a great, rushing river. And this will be experienced in many different ways. There are those who would hold onto the shore—there is no shore. The shore is crumbling. Push off into the middle of the river.” Choquosh, Native American Storyteller

I used this quote in my book Essence of the Tarot: Modern Reflections on Ancient Wisdom to describe the Tower card. I include it here, because it feels more relevant now than ever before--as does the Tower archetype. The Tower represents the destruction of old, outworn structures that no longer serve us. This extreme dismantling is to make way for new ways of thinking and being, ones that are more in alignment with humanity and the greater good of the planet.   

Our world is towering. The fundamental structures, some would say patriarchal structures, institutions and systems we have all grown to rely upon are collapsing. Healthcare, government, law, education, commerce, religion…the list goes on and on. They are falling apart because they are no longer sustainable and perhaps never truly served us. They have become obsolete.

By its very nature, destruction implies chaos, and what the Tower card teaches us is that we must learn to embrace the chaos as a part of the growth. We are all being challenged to deeply look at what is true and essential--personally and universally. By doing so, consciously and with an open mind and heart, then slowly, a process of healing can begin.

A key element to this archetype is to not rebuild too quickly. Our first instinct may be to try to put things into some kind of order, to take control, but this dismantling will take time. On a personal level, if something in your life is not working, if it has fallen away, be willing to let it go, or put it aside until you have new clarity. This is a process of patience and surrender, having faith in something greater than you now know.

From the ashes rises the phoenix! The card following the Tower is the Star card, an archetype representing higher destiny and a new paradigm. This is much like the idea of the “Age of Aquarius”, a new eon of unity and coming together as one. We are beginning to see the Star’s light now as it begins to shine through the cracks in the Tower’s foundations. Stay strong, be hopeful and look for the guiding light in the darkness.

The Empress ~ Divine Beauty!

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is the Empress, representing: Love, relationship, wisdom and beauty. The Empress is a divinely sensual creature. She is the embodiment of love, in both its earthly and celestial forms. The Empress is in full bloom - sated, accomplished and realized. She has experienced the richness of life, and its perpetual give and take. She is comfortable in her own skin, which is the essence of true beauty. As a result, many are attracted to her luminosity and abundant embrace. 

This is a time to explore how you wish to experience love. As you value yourself and your loving gifts, you create more fulfilling relationships. Open your heart and enjoy the love you desire and deserve. 

Image and words: Couture Tarot

Wishing you a divinely abundant week!

The Seven of Pentacles ~ Practicing Active Patience

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is the Seven of Pentacles representing: Overwork, patience, persistence, nurturance and long-term success. The Seven of Pentacles appears when you are working towards a goal, but it hasn’t come into full realization. Don’t give into frustration; your garden needs to time to grow! Resist overworking the situation or holding on too tight. This is an active waiting period, as nature takes its course.

In the process, you may need to do some weeding. If there are projects that don’t have the potential to bear fruit, then it’s time to let them go and focus your energy on what can garner the most success. Find joy in what you are creating. This is powerful manna to fertilize your projects.

Image #CoutureTarot