Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

Filtering by Tag: Four of Swords

The Four of Swords ~ Let Sleeping Lions Lie!

TT 4 of Swords

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is The Four of Swords, representing: Integration, spiritual cleansing, rest and recovery!

This week’s card image is from Seattle artist Siolo Thompson’s new Linestrider Tarot. She funded the deck through an IndieGoGo campaign, which I find super inspirationing! I was quite taken with her imagery, and also her descriptions, so here’s what she says about the 4 of Swords:

“The Four of Swords depicts a period of rest after a time of challenge. Now it is time to stay silent and inactive. Replenish your strength and spend time in solitude and contemplation. The Four of Swords asks you to put down your sword for a time. There will be battles in the future but you must take time to mend, sharpen, and recover.

“Now may not be the best time to make decisions; after a time of rest, the path forward will become clearer. This card often suggests the need for seclusion. Create space to think, dream and heal, while taking a break from the thoughts and demands of others.

“This card usually depicts a sleeping knight in a church. I felt drawn to the figure of a sleeping lion, an animal that hunts fiercely and then rests intensely. The flowers blooming around the lion reminds us that rest is necessary for growth.”

Wishing you a restful week!

To find out more about the Linestrider Tarot