Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

Filtering by Tag: Swords

The Knight of Swords ~ The Winds of Change!

Tarot Tuesday! Last week we had the Queen of Swords, and this week we have the Knight—so it seems we are in the realm of swords once again! Swords are the element of air, of thoughts, ideas, inspiration and messages. The Knight of Swords represents: innovation, new ideas, communication, independence and courage!

The Knight of Swords is a harbinger of change. He’s like a strong wind that blows into your life, shaking the trees and even ruffling feathers! This knight is highly intellectual and innovative; indeed he is often ahead of his time. You may not always agree with the Knight of Swords, but he will definitely open your mind to new ideas.

If the Knight of Swords has appeared to you, this is a time to “clear the air”. Is there something you need to communicate to someone? Is there something you need to express to the world? Now is the time!

Of all the court cards, knights are perhaps the most courageous, as they are willing to grow and evolve with life changes. At the same time, they can also be impetuous and arrogant, believing that their ways and ideas are more important than others. The Knight of Swords is learning humility and how to balance his heart with his mind.

So this week, embrace change and new ideas. Free yourself by communicating your truth. It doesn’t matter if others don’t receive your message clearly. In the immortal words of En Vogue: “Free your mind, and the rest will follow!”

The Queen of Swords ~ Clear Mind, Clear Heart!


Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is the Queen of Swords, representing: Clarity, intelligence, independence, discernment and rational judgment.

Of all the Queens, the Queen of Swords is perhaps the most intelligent and worldly. Her mind is clear, and her judgment is not clouded by emotion or sentimentality. With her clear gaze and upwardly pointed sword this Queen is ready to sternly and concisely lead you to victory!

You may see this card appear when a situation calls for you to marshal your intellect and bring more intelligence and information to a situation instead of compassion and empathy. This Queen often shows up when there are powerful, intelligent women in your realm who can be either mentors or allies, helping you to see clearly and discern the truth.

This Queen is formidable, and at times may seem cold and aloof, as she leads more from her mind than from her heart. She is learning to balance her intellect with her heart and intuition as a way of discerning and acting on all possible options.

The Queen of Swords mantra is: The truth will set you free!

Card image and some words from the Linestrider Tarot—a deck that I’m currently loving!

Wishing you a clear and insightful week! 

The Two of Swords ~ Serenity Now!

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is the Two of Swords, representing: Inner-Peace, Harmony, Stillness and Clear Decisions.

The 2 of Swords is a reminder of the importance of inner peace in our lives. This card signals a time to cultivate “peace of mind”, a state of being that can only come from a calm mind and open heart.

This path requires letting go of internal struggles, mental conflict, and over-thinking. This is a place of trust and surrender, where we give ourselves over to the ultimate grace and harmony of the universe! Truly, a meditation within itself.

This card asks the questions: What areas of your life are out of balance? What do you need to bring into more harmony? Where do you find the most peace? The question of harmony is especially true regarding your relationships. Is there something that needs to change in this area? Indeed, this path promises a time of clarity regarding relationship choices and decisions.

At the end of the day, this is a time for being mindful and protective of anything or anyone that affects your peace of mind and true serenity. Harmony is your mantra now!  

Affirmation: I am at peace with myself and the world. I surrender all worries and concerns to the divine.

Wishing you a week filled with much serenity and inner-peace!

The Five of Swords ~ Transforming Mental Chaos!

Five of Swords

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is the Five of Swords, representing: Mental chaos, intellectual stress and anguish.

At first measure, this card does not appear to be a happy one, and indeed, the 5 of Swords represents a form of mental defeat, often from over-thinking and stressing about things outside of our control.

However, this path offers the opportunity for transformation and even a whole new way of thinking! The number 5 represents change, and it’s easy to get caught up in fear when we’re on a path of the unknown. Yet, if we’re willing to let go of the past, we may be surprised at the new clarity that comes. In fact, by freeing our mind and being open there is even a sense of freedom and liberation.

So, this week--Don’t sweat the small stuff! This is a time to be mindfully disciplined and clear about your boundaries. Be purposeful when you can, but if things are not coming together, be willing to let go and step back. Ultimately, there is the opportunity now for new insights and illumination! 

Affirmation: I embrace change and new ways of thinking!