Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

Filtering by Tag: The Moon

The Moon ~ Time to Go Inward

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is The Moon, representing: Dreams, reflections, imagination and mystery. I thought The Moon card was perfect for today’s New Moon/Solar eclipse in Cancer. I love to explore new decks, and this Moon card is from the Moonchild Tarot, by Danielle Noel. A beautiful and thought provoking deck. Here’s her definition:

 “As one of the dreamiest, most mysterious cards of the Tarot, The Moon invites us to explore the depths of our subconscious and the sacred landscape of our imagination. Although typically described as a key of disillusionment, it is not with its silver lining. These can indicate the powerful sparks of inspiration that feed invention, creativity, and intuitive wisdom which connects us to a much deeper place of spirit. 

Since The Moon also reveals the watery undercurrent of our shadow thoughts and feelings, it embodies the recesses of our minds, which we tend to keep hidden from others, as well as deeper insecurities that plague our emotions. Woven throughout the potent energy of The Moon is pure magick. If we learn to harness its wisdom without letting the mental labyrinth take over, we may begin to co-create and alchemize from the seeds of our thoughts.”

 To find out more:  

The Moon ~ Bringing Light to the Darkness

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is the Moon, representing: Darkness, reflection, mystery, unresolved emotions and illumination. The Moon is a compelling presence; she is as old as time, a seductress, bewitching us with her shadowy light. Lady Luna often casts illusions, asking us to consider: What is real and what is not? This is a time when unresolved emotions and fears may be clouding your mind, distracting you from what needs to be resolved. 

The Moon card asks you to go within, and reflect on the elements of your life that need more illumination. It’s easy to get lost in the darkness, and in this mysterious landscape, you may need guidance to help you find your way. This is magical territory. New clarity comes as you bring light to the deepest reaches of your psyche. 

Wishing you an illuminating week!

It's All About the Moon!

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is The Moon, and we also have a Full Moon in Taurus today, so you’re getting a double blast of Lunar Insight! In the Tarot, The Moon represents: Reflection, Illumination, Karmic and Emotional Release.

This card is from the Legrande Circus & Sideshow Tarot, a fun, new deck I just got using circus imagery—‘cause life is a circus after all! I love their take on The Moon:

“Driven by instinct, we leap upward to meet the moon’s full embrace. We dance wildly to the moon’s subtle song to find the night sky and its artistry. We believe what we perform to be aerial acrobatics of our own volition, but the moon’s crescent smile illumes unknowable reaches. We are guided by instinct. Forces outside us are in control. All we can do is go with the flow.”

Full Moon in Taurus: This Full Moon is also the last Super Moon of the year (meaning, it’s orbit is closer to the earth, than the usual Full Moon), giving it extra lunar zoom! It is in the earthy, sensual sign of Taurus, and says: Time to indulge your senses! “It reminds us to ground ourselves and our connection to Mother Earth, and to align ourselves with what we truly love. Her illumination will show us what we need to let go of, and what will remain, as we stay true to our hearts and embrace the healing tides.” From Mystic Mama.  

Wishing you an illuminating week!