Megan Skinner

Megan Skinner is a professional clairvoyant, astrologer, Tarot card reader, and author with a private practice in spiritual counseling for over 20 years.

Filtering by Tag: Wands

The Knight of Wands ~ The Hero's Journey!

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is The Knight of Wands, representing: Creativity, Intuition, Adventure and Courage!

TT - Knight of Wands

The Knight of Fire is the archetype of a true seeker, on the path to adventure—the grand adventure of life, with the whole world before him. You could say--the world is his oyster!

This fiery knight is full of energy, dynamic, and confident as he faces challenges head-on, with an open heart, using intuition as his guide. He is searching for a richer life experience, and his mission is to fully actualize his creative and spiritual potential.

This Knight's path embodies the “Hero’s Journey”, what Joseph Campbell describes as: A series of courageous acts, a continual process of trials and triumphs, which offers a life lived through self-discovery. His mantra is: To thine own self be true. 

So, this week, embrace your inner-adventurer, become a hero, be daring, be bold and take the world by storm! An open heart, and a vital connection to spirit are your calling cards.  

Affirmation: I trust my instincts, I trust myself, and I trust spirit to guide me.

Wishing you an adventurous week, filled with self-discovery!  

Queen of Wands ~ The Queen of Wisdom!

"A Spiritual teacher is not a human being trying to be spiritual, but a spiritual being learning vital emotional lessons by wearing the cloak of humanity."

TT Queen of Wands

Tarot Tuesday! The card for the week is the Queen of Wands, representing: Self-knowledge, creativity, self-expression, teaching and learning!

In the Tarot, Queens represent a mastery of their path—and the Queen of Fire has reached a place of both wisdom and self-knowledge. This is a moment where your knowledge is in full bloom; a time where the student becomes the teacher, a time to share your life and what you know--your knowledge with others. 

Indeed, this queen is often called the “Queen of Wisdom”, and in some deck she wears a crown of thorns, an indication that her wisdom doesn’t necessarily come from a book, it comes from her experience, the ups and downs, the good and not so good, ultimately a life lived through self-discovery!

So this week, embrace your whole “story”, knowing it is a part of who you are, in the best sense, without judgment or self criticism. This is the mark of a true spiritual teacher. And most importantly--know that others will benefit from learning from your journey!      

Have a masterful week! 

The Nine of Wands ~ Finding Inner Strength!

Tarot Tuesday! The Nine of Wands, representing: Strength, power and wholeness! Man oh, man–I’m totally feeling this card this week! Here’s why: Sometimes we look outside ourselves for answers and recognition (yes, even little old spiritually minded me!) but the Nine of Wands inspires us to go within, to find our own inner strength and wisdom.

Ultimately, this path is about self-realization. A time where we recognize our powers and potentials and begin applying them towards a purpose. It is a strength that grows from within, and is cultivated by self awareness–and not returning to familiar situations that don’t serve the unfolding of our light!

The card asks the question: Are you afraid of your power, of your strength? Something to definitely ruminate on!

Whenever I need to ground and find inner strength, I light candles and pull out the incense…the whole ritual of communing with one’s self (and spiritual peeps) on a deeper level is very fortifying, and adds to one’s power and strength, on the highest of levels.

Affirmation: I know more and more clearly who I am. This recognition leads to the full development of my potential strength.

Have an amazing (and powerful) week!

Six of Wands ~ Time to Strut your Stuff!

Tarot Tuesday! This week, it’s the Six of Wands, representing victory, success, and creative breakthroughs!

This card is ruled by creative, limelight-loving, dramatic Leo and expansive, opportune, good-fortune Jupiter. Quite a combination! The 6 of Wands indicates a time to be BOLD and BRIGHT and show your colors to the world! Success comes from putting yourself out there.

This requires a strong sense of self-worth; simply put: valuing the gifts you have to share with the world. The beauty of this card is that–the more you honor and share your gifts, the more others will get on board. In fact, I often describe this card as: Follow, or get out of my way!

So, this week don’t hesitate to strut your stuff, like a grand peacock. It’s not for the faint of heart, for it requires taking chances, and being courageous—especially around the reactions of others. But, Me-Thinks you are up to the task!

Know that all indications point to success as you expand your horizons.

Affirmation: I am now ready to enjoy success in my life. Every event brings me closer to my final goal. My victory brings benefit to others!

A note on the peacock: I included this animal totem because it represents turning “poison into beauty”. Here we transmute old negative ways of being, into a more proud and beauteous sense of self.

Have a successful week!